1:30 min read
The Queen of Oilseeds
Sesame Oil is one of the most amazing regenerating and rejuvenating ingredients due to its incredible anti-inflammatory properties.
Sesame is one of the oldest crops used for oil extraction known to humanity. It is native to sub-Saharan Africa and Asia, and it was domesticated in India more than 3,000 years ago. It is a very resilient crop that grows on the edges of deserts and resists droughts and heavy monsoon seasons.
Its Richness
As most of the oils used in
skincare products, sesame oil is super rich in antioxidants and both oleic and linoleic fatty acids. This oil is mostly known for having a high vitamin K content, although it also contains vitamins B &
E, but in lower quantities. As for minerals, it contains magnesium, copper, calcium, iron, and zinc.
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Ayurvedic Ancient Wisdom
Sesame or
Tila, in Sanskrit, is one of the most used medicines in the
Ayurvedic Pharmacopeia. Sesame oil is well known as the
Queen of Oilseeds or the
King of Oils. According to the
Charaka Sutrasthana, one of the core ancient
Ayurvedic texts, sesame oil is especially beneficial for
Vata and
Kapha doshas. It is excellent for healing wounds,
moisturizing, and softening skin.
Sesame oil is not just beneficial for the skin; it increases overall strength, especially in the bones, muscles, and joints. It is also a laxative and digestive; it calms the mind and results in better sleep quality.
Its benefits
• Anti-inflammatory
• Heals wounds and reduces the appearance of stretch marks because of its vitamin K content
• Reduces dark spots and stubborn under-eye circles
• Restores skin, regenerates cell damage, and prevents aging due to its vitamin B content
• Improves skin complexion and radiance
• Reduces UV damage thanks to its vitamin E level
Sesame Oil is safe in most applications, as long as it is used in moderation. Always do a
patch test on a small section of skin before applying it to your face and body. There are not enough studies on sesame oil’s side effects, but if you are allergic to sesame, check with your doctor before using sesame oil.
You can find sesame oil in our Vata Replenishing Moisturizer, which replenishes & protects the skin’s outermost layer while sealing in moisture.
Sesame oil is one of our
organic ingredients due to its many beneficial properties, but mainly because it will make your skin great. If you don’t know your skin type,
take our Dosha quiz or reach out to us and
schedule a free online skin consultation, we can help you
feel amazing in your own skin.